© 2020 Roger Carswell/10 of Those. Used by permission
Who are we?
We are a small friendly group of Christians meeting at Ashcroft Hall in Ipswich. We believe the Bible to be the infallible Word of God and so we seek to understand and follow its teachings and to share our faith in the Lord Jesus with others.
About us – What do we believe?
- That there is only one God revealed in three distinct persons, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
- That God created the universe out of nothing and He continues to maintain it.
- That the Bible is the inspired Word of God. It is His wise and unchanging guide to all human conduct and relationships including marriage. As such we accept it as the supreme authority in all matters of belief and behaviour.
- That the whole of mankind is sinful and consequently guilty before God and deserving of His wrath and punishment. However, the Bible also assures us of God’s love and His desire that all repent and come to a knowledge of the truth.
- That to make our forgiveness and reconciliation to a holy God possible, Jesus Christ, God’s only Son, was born of a virgin, lived a perfect and sinless life, whilst still being truly man, and died on the cross in our place, and was raised bodily from the dead. Today He is alive, a Man seated on God’s throne in heaven.
- That the Lord Jesus Christ will keep His promise to return in person, firstly, to receive to Himself those He has redeemed by His shed blood to heaven, and then, secondly, to execute God’s judgement on those who have not believed in Him and restore God’s kingdom of righteousness and peace on earth.
- That the Holy Spirit alone makes the work of Jesus Christ effective to individual sinners enabling them to repent and put their faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. He also lives in those who have so trusted Christ and continues to work in them to make them increasingly Christ-like and to give the needed power for Christian living and witness here.
- That the Bible teaches that the believer in the Lord Jesus can with confidence look forward to a joyful eternity with God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ, but also teaches the eternal punishment of those who have chosen to reject God.
Other organisations that you may be interested in. Please note that we cannot be responsible for the content on these external internet sites.
Christian publisher and bookseller
Bible school with free bible study courses
a weekly bible study programme
a searchable online bible in 70 languages
Young Peoples Bible Camp, North Norfolk
What services and activities do we have?
10.00am Sunday Morning Breaking of Bread – an opportunity for faithful Christians to remember the Lord Jesus in the way He has asked us to
5.00pm Gospel/teaching service – all welcome
7.30pm – 8.30pm
Bible study. Held in Ashcroft Hall alternate weeks. Contact us to find date of next study
7.30pm – 8.30pm
Prayer meeting
10.00am – 11.15am – Coffee Morning – all welcome. Time for a chat over a hot drink and a biscuit (or cake!)
East Anglia Autumn Conference
Saturday 17th October and Monday 19th to Wednesday 21st October 2020, held online on Zoom
Bible teaching sessions led by Gordon Kell, Laceby, Subject – Learning from Lockdown.
listen to these talks or watch on video
Who to contact and how:
Anthony Brett, Elder
Phil Oliver, Elder
Contact us at: info@ashcroftcf.org.uk
Where to find us:
Ashcroft Christian Fellowship
Ashcroft Hall
Ashcroft Road (on the corner with Norwich Road)